Mock Advertising Campaign
When I presented these updated drafts to the students in Mexico acting as our clients, they expressed a desire for brighter colors and a more interesting use of typography. They also requested a more obvious reference to airplane travel. They did like the black slant as a design element as well as most of the models.

Rough Drafts
This project was created in collaboration with Fashion Design Marketing Students at the University of Monterey in Mexico. In groups, they were tasked with picking a fashion company and presenting an idea for a new campaign theme. The group I worked with chose Zara.
The Zara brand is a globally known entity and has reached over 2,200 stores in 93 countries. The goal of the new campaign is to show diversity while also showing a sense of unity because Zara connects people through clothing and fashion.
The slogan that I came up with for this campaign is You Have Arrived. I thought this was appropriate for both design styles because they both relate to travel.
The deliverables for this advertising project were three Instagram Posts, a Billboard, and a Magazine Page.
Campaign 1: I chose to portray the theme using graphic elements typically found on signs in the airport. I wanted to keep the look of the very minimalistic symbols, so I changed them to correlate with different clothing styles.
Campaign 2: For the second campaign, I focused on the concept of arriving at a destination. I chose to use the dropped pin icon on a slant to show a point in a journey. For both campaigns, I pulled colors from the clothing to use in the graphics.
After seeing both sets of drafts, the students in Mexico, who would be acting as our clients for the remainder of the project, gave us feedback on what they liked and didn't like. Overall, they preferred the design elements in the second set of drafts, so I continued to work on those.
Revised Drafts
Final Set of Designs